Friday, May 1, 2015

April's Final Numbers ~New Series~

Hey everyone! Since summer is almost here, and I will  be blogging more often, I'm going to begin a new monthly series on here, showing you guys EXACTLY what I profit each month! It won't be a long winded post, just some straight to the point numbers. So here we go! Let me know in the comments if you have any other ideas of blog posts (or videos!) that you would like to see! 

April's Numbers:
Totals sales amount (Item +Shipping): $1,045.52
Shipping Costs: -$236.24
EBay Fees: -$92.18
PayPal Fees: -$47.40
Expenses + Store Subscription: -$131.24
Final Profit:  $539.12

I'm pretty happy with that number! I'd like to increase my sales to around $1,000 a month though. I'm working harder to reach that goal! I hope you all had a great sales month too!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Wonderful month. I just posted my numbers as well. I like seeing the end profit. Our goal is also $1000 a month. Hopefully next month we all make $1000+!

    1. Yes please! I will be jumping for joy if that happens! Sending lots of luck your way!

  2. thats an awesome number. I wish I could get #s like that :D

    1. Keep at it Grace! I'm sure you'll get there in no time! :)


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