Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunday Sales Update 7/7-7/13

Hey everyone! I'm back with a quick sales update! This weeks been my worst in a really long time. I went three days with ZERO sales. I listed a ton yesterday hoping that will help sell some more. We'll see.

I had 12 sales this week. 
Total before fees: $240.10
1 cancelled transaction. (-$32.50)
No international sales. 

I always hate when someone cancels an order. It seems so unfair sometimes. This person ordered a brand new water bed heater. I had it priced at $50, and we sent back and forth a few offers until we settled on $32.50. Then, 5 minutes later she said she didn't need it anymore... Oh well. Hopefully someone else will buy it. 

Anyways! On to some sales!! 

I sold this Elf On the Shelf skirt kit for $8.95 +shipping. 

Me and boyfriend LOVE to go yardsaling together. And recently, he's started looking for things to put on eBay to make a little extra cash. Well, that just wasn't going to work for me. He would find something and come to me and tell me how much it was worth, and of course, I'd want to steal it from him to sell for myself. That was definitely going to cause some problems... So my mom came up with the idea to go in halfers on a few things. We loved the idea!

So one weekend we spent a total of $25 ($12.50 each), and bought a few things. One of them being 29 tubes of discontinued Covergirl makeup. We spent $10 total on all 29. Within 24 hours of listing, we sold 7 tubes for $45.50! 

Here's another lot of A Beka books. This one sold for $50 +shipping. 

I sold this lot of seashell shower curtain hooks for $6.25 +shipping. I always pick these up when I'm yardsaling. Most of the time they're an easy $10 profit. 

Finally, I sold this lighthouse. I really dislike this thing... It sold for $17.95 +shipping. 
Last night, me and Derek were packaging it up to be shipped, when I realized I forgot to calculate the box dimensions in the price of shipping... Rookie mistake. The box measured 12X12x20. Shipping jumped from $8.29 to $26! UGH! It was packaged up so nice and pretty in two priority mail boxes... So it's all got to be redone and shipped parcel post. Such a headache. 

Well that's all everyone! I hope you've enjoyed reading, and have a great week!


I'll try not to rant as much next week, and keep the post short and sweet. :) 


  1. the plus side is once you make that mistake once, from experience I can say you won't ever make it again. Halvsies is a great idea and great buy on the makeup tubes!

    1. That's the truth! To make the deal worse, the lighthouse was being sold for a friend... But yes! We love the idea and can't wait to get a free weekend and go yardsaling again!
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. You did better than me! It has been a super slow week!! Hoping this week it will pick up!

    1. I've sold five things just today! They are most definitely picking up! I hope they do for you as well!

  3. June is one of the slowest months of the year. I hope things pick up in August when kids go back to school and folks start thinking about holiday gifts. How wonderful you have a boyfriend who loves to yard sale! I enjoy it when hubby and I go together. He's got a great eye and always finds some great things. The good thing is that what's mine is mine, and what's his is also mine LOL! It all goes to the same budget so it's all good.

    1. They have definitely picked up for me this week! But yes, I love dating a guy that loves eBay and yardsaling! I'm glad to split a few things and help him pay for gas and some eating out!
      Thanks for commenting!!


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